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The Earth
Periodic Table

Geology Department:
Department of Earth Sciences


ammonite - an extinct marine animal belonging to the cephalopod molluscs which have a chambered shell. Related to the nautiloid, squid and octopus.
angiosperm - a group of plants which have flowers.
anthracite - the final stage of coalification of peat - lignite -bituminous coal -anthracite.
bituminous coal - peat which has been reached the black coal stage in the series peat - lignite - bituminous coal - anthracite.
bivalve - mollusc with two shells, clam.
brown coal - a term used for lignite in the coal series.
calcite - a mineral composed of calcium carbonate.
cellulose - an organic compound which is found in plants.
charcoal - plant material which has been burnt.
coal - an organic rock (usualy peat) with over 50% organic matter which has been altered by temperature and pressure with a loss of moisture and oxygen and an increase in carbon content.
coalification - the process by which plants and peats are altered by temperature and pressure.
compaction - alteration by the application of pressure, usually by burial.
conifer - a group of seed-bearing plants which include the firs, ceders and pines.
continental deposits - sediments deposited on land.
Cretaceous - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a Period of geological time.
Eocene - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a geological epoch of Geological time.
fossilisation - the process which affects animals and plants to allow their preservation in rocks.
fumarole - a sulpurous vent emitting vapours associated with volcanic activity.
fusain - fossil charcoal.
gastropod - an invertebrate mollusc, snail.
Hettangian - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a geological age of Geological time.
in situ - in place, usually in position of growth.

Jurassic - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a Period of geological time.
lignin - an organic compound found in plants giving ridgidity to wood in particular.
lignite - peat which has been slightly coalified as part of the peat - lignite -bituminous coal - anthracite. Also known as brown coal.
limestone - a rock composed of calcium carbonate.
marl - a mudstone which contains some calcium carbonate.
Miocene - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a geological epoch of Geological time..
Oligocene - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a geological epoch of Geological time.
Palaeobotany - the study of fossil plants.
Palaeoclimatology - the study of ancient climates.
Palaeoecology - the study of the way ancient animals and plants lived.
Palaeontology - the study of fossils.
Palynolgy - the study of fossil spores and pollen.
Peat - an organic rich sediment made from plants with more than 50% organic matter.
Permineralization - the process by which mineral matter precipitates within the cell spaces of plants.
Petrifaction - a second phase of permineralization when the organic matter of the plant is replaced by mineral matter.
Pleinsbachian - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a geological age of Geological time.
Pliocene - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a geological epoch of Geological time.
Pollen - microscopic propagules of seed and flowering plants which fertilise the ovule to produce the next generation of plants.
Pyrite - or iron pyrites, a golden mineral made of iron sulphide, also known as fools gold.
Pyritization - the process by which iron pyrite is precipitated from the water or in mud usually due to the decay of animals and plants. One of the minerals involved in permineralization and petrifaction.
Rank - the position of a peat or coal in the coalification series.
relict population - A small population of plants or animals which at one time had a much larger geographical range.
Resin - sticky organic polymer produced by some plants.
Recent - the period of geological time from 10,000 years ago to now (=Holocene).
sedimentary rocks - rocks composed of particles of other rocks such as sand.
septal suture - the wall seperating chambers in an ammonite.
silica - a mineral composed of silicon dioxide and often found in permineralizations and petrifactions.
Sinemurian - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a geological age of Geological time.
Spore - the microscopic propagule of primitive plants such as ferns.
Stage - the name for time-rock unit in geology
System - the name for a time-rock unit in geology comprising several Stages.
Time Scale - Geological Period/Epoch Age (Million Years)
Quaternary 1.64-0
Tertiary Pliocene 5.2-1.64
Miocene 23.3-5.2
Oligocene 35.4-23.3
Eocene 56.5-35.4
Paleocene 65.0-56.5
Cretaceous 145.6-65.0
Jurassic 208.0-145.6

Tertiary - a geological system and the name for a Period of geological time.
Fosso Bianco Fm. Mid-late Pliocene

Toarcian - a geological time-rock unit and the name for a geological age of Geological time.
Ulmin - an organic precipitate formed by the mixing of humins and humic acids.